2022 Hyundai Ioniq 5 EVs Being Investigated For Loss Of Motive Power

Hyundai OTA Updates Safety

Dana Sinno
Published on June 19, 2023

According to an Office Of Defects Investigation (ODI ), the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has issued a preliminary evaluation into the loss of motive power.

There are an estimated 39,559 Ioniq 5 EVs, and 30 consumers have filed complaints over losing motive power. Many report a loud noise with a dash warning and reduced or complete loss of motive power. 

The issue seems to originate with the an overcurrent with the ICCU (Integrated Charging Control Unit).  This unit is responsible for powering both the high-voltage battery and the low-voltage 12V battery; if there is too much current flowing through the ICCU, it can damage the transistors in the DC-to-DC converter. This can prevent the 12V battery from being recharged, which can cause the vehicle to lose the power to drive the car.

This preliminary evaluation will determine the scope and severity of the issue and examine the safety concerns. Hyundai indicated that software update would be available beginning next month and affected parts would be replaced if needed. Looks like it won’t be an OTA (over the air) update as the Ioniq 5 doesn’t currently have that capability. 


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To see the document for this investigation: 


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