5 Simple Ways To Get The Most Out Of Your EV Range

Battery Range Tips

Dana Sinno
Published on June 11, 2022

To get the most out of your electric miles, you can follow these few helpful steps:


1. Keep tires properly inflated (be sure to look at your tire pressure requirements- the pressure varies in relation to pressure on ICE)

2. Use one pedal driving (regenerative braking can provide a small amount of energy)

3. Precondition to warm the battery. (This is especially helpful for cold climates and to prep for charge)

4. Clean out your car. (Remove any cargo that isn’t necessary)

5. Be mindful of flooring it. (Rapid or frequent acceleration will affect range)

*Also be aware that A/C & Heat consume a lot of energy and deplete range.

While plugged in if possible:
*Winter: Pre-warm the cabin and heat the seats.
*Summer: Pre-cool the cabin


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