7 EV Charging Etiquette Tips

Charging Community Infrastructure

Dana Sinno
Published on June 17, 2023

With the rising popularity of EVs,  it’s important that EV owners practice proper charging etiquette. By being considerate, we can help create an environment where everyone has access to charging infrastructure.

Here are some key tips for being a courteous EV owner:

  1. Use EV charging spots only for charging your EV: Electric vehicle charging spots are specifically designated for EVs. It is important not to use them for anything else besides parking. Respecting this rule ensures fair access for all EV drivers and prevents unnecessary inconvenience.
  2. Don’t hog charging stations:  Once you have finished charging, promptly unplug your EV and leave the charging space. Leaving your vehicle plugged in when it no longer needs a charge can hinder other EV owners from accessing the station AND could rack up some “idling” fees. Instead, move your car to a regular parking spot, allowing others to utilize the charging infrastructure.
  3. DO NOT unplug other vehicles. Even if you’re in a hurry, it’s not okay to unplug someone else’s car from a charging station. This is especially true if they are still charging.
  4. Be prepared to wait: As the number of EVs on the road increases, public charging stations can become busy. It’s crucial to anticipate the possibility of having to wait for your turn, some apps will tell you how many stalls are open.  Plan in advance – some apps (like Plug Share) will even let you know how many stalls are open.
  5. Keep the area clean: Leave the charging station area clean and free of debris. Dispose of any trash appropriately and ensure that others can easily access the station without any obstructions.
  6. Offer assistance and share knowledge: If you notice someone struggling to charge their EV, don’t hesitate to offer assistance. EV technology is still relatively new, and some drivers may be unfamiliar with the charging process. By providing a helping hand or sharing tips and advice, you can contribute to a supportive and friendly EV community.
  7. Report any problems with the charging station. If you see that a charging station is not working properly, report the problem to the station’s owner or operator. This will help to ensure that the station is repaired as soon as possible.

As the EV market continues to expand, practicing good EV charging etiquette becomes even more important. By following these simple guidelines, you can contribute to a positive charging experience for yourself and other EV owners. Remember, being considerate, patient, and helpful goes a long way in fostering a welcoming environment within the EV community. Let’s work together to make the transition to electric vehicles as smooth and enjoyable as possible.

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