Are Public Level 2 Chargers Even Worth Installing? 

Blink Charging Charging Level 2

Dana Sinno
Published on February 6, 2024

Are Public Level 2 Chargers Even Worth Installing? 

YUP! Public Level 2 charging stations are still definitely an important part of the EV charging infrastructure. Consider this:

✅ Level 2 is a convenient middle ground between slow Level 1 and super-fast DC fast charging. It can add about 25 miles of range per hour, which is perfect for a quick top-up while you’re out running errands.

✅ Installing and running Public Level 2 charging stations is cheaper than DC fast chargers. It’s more cost-effective for businesses and local governments to offer EV charging.

✅ Public Level 2 stations can help local businesses by attracting EV drivers who need to charge their vehicles while shopping, eating or running errands.

✅ More public charging options, including Level 2 charging, can help reduce range anxiety and make it easier for people to go electric. 

They ARE worth it.  Makes sense for businesses to install public chargers to encourage EV drivers to juice up and visit their locations while hanging out.


Go electric ✌️

taken Out Yonder- Check out this Blink Charger in the middle of nowhere.  Actually it’s in Elkader, IA, one of 2 free public chargers in the town.

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