Busting Range Anxiety

Range Range Anxiety Regenerative Braking

Dana Sinno
Published on June 14, 2023


1. Make sure you have the proper tires as EVs are much heavier than ICEs, that they are proper for the weather conditions and have the indicated amount of air. The tire size and wheels also have some impact on range.

2. Mind your driving style. Gunning it frequently will drain the battery. Make use of regenerative braking by removing foot from the accelerator rather than depressing the brake.

3. Be aware that moderate temperature reduction affects range. Try to park in the garage and precondition the battery to reduce heat usage.

4. Clear out any items that you don’t need that could produce added weight.

5. Realize that heating and air conditioning affects the range as well.

*To alleviate additional anxiety- use route-planning apps that show where high-speed chargers are and plan carefully for longer trips.

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