Butts In Seats & Stuff

Education Incentives Infrastructure

Dana Sinno
Published on April 7, 2023

Are You An EV Advocate that tirelessly attempts to convince people about EVs?

Here are some cool strategies to help your family & friends become more comfortable with EV purchases.

Let’s start with EDUCATION. They’re cheaper to run, kinder to the environment, and can outperform ICE vehicles. 

So, let’s spread the word through public awareness campaigns, events, and of course, test drives.  Who knows, maybe you’ll convince your friends to join you on a wild green adventure! (Um, call me 📞)

Now, let’s talk about INCENTIVES on EV purchases. (Because we all know that money talks). Governments and utility companies can offer tax credits, rebates and discounts on charging infrastructure to make EVs more affordable and attractive. Check with the Dept of Energy to see current rebates on your potential vehicle. It’s a win-win!

Expanding the CHARGING INFRASTRUCTURE network is key. Imagine going on a road trip without worrying about running out of juice- essentially obliterating range anxiety? Installing charging stations in public areas, workplaces, and residential communities can help ease consumers’ minds. Hang out, work from your “office”, go shopping, meet friends… Multitask like a boss!

Collaborating with automakers and other stakeholders is key. When we work together, we can BUILD CONSUMER TRUST & CONFIDENCE in EVs. Let’s unite our forces and make our planet a happier and healthier place to live in!

Last but not least, let’s bear in mind that EV technology is rapidly forging ahead; with technology,  battery range and charging time reduction at an impressive rate. This will help EVs become more appealing and competitive than traditional gasoline vehicles. 

Ultimately, we need to provide people with INFORMATION, OPTIONS and INCENTIVES that meet their needs and concerns. 

If all else fails, just remember to get butts in seats. ROADTRIP! 🙌🏼

Go electric ✌️

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