Electreon Inductive Charging Wireless Charging

Dana Sinno
Published on January 19, 2021


DYNAMIC WIRELESS CHARGING provides power exchange between the vehicle and the grid while your vehicle is moving.

ElectReon Wireless Ltd‘s wireless power transfer technology includes a unique infrastructure – coils placed under the road in the center of the traffic lane. 

These under-road pads/coils wirelessly transmit electricity to receivers mounted underneath cars.  The number of receivers is determined by size and energy consumption. Drivers would likely have to pay a tax for using the lane to charge their moving EV.

Pilot trials are showing great results. The first trial, Smartroad Gotland in Sweden, wirelessly charged a 40-ton truck fully on an electric road. The next step for ElectReon, is a pilot program that will shuttle students between Tel Aviv’s university train station and its campus using the electrified road. 

ElectReon hopes to further commercialize the company and enter into new markets in the United States and Latin America. There are other companies working on similar technologies as well.  This is exciting news for range anxiety sufferers as well as the impatient.  😉

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