DNG – Delorean Next Generation!

Concept Cars Delorean Prototype

Dana Sinno
Published on October 26, 2022

Kat Delorean Forms DNG To Continue Her Father’s 40 Year Legacy! ‬

John Delorean’s daughter Kat just revealed the formation of a company called DNG: DeLorean Next Generation; as well as a prototype of Model -JZD for 2023.

Not to be confused with DMC, (Delorean Motor Company) as they are not affiliated. Kat made it clear on my LinkedIn post about DMC’s Alpha5 -that they had nothing to do with her famous automaker father John Delorean.

“‪Not associated with the Delorean family at all‬. This company is not 40 years old‬. ‪John Delorean did not approve of or endorse this company in any way”‬, she replied.

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