Earning your FSD…

Autonomous FSD Tesla

Dana Sinno
Published on May 4, 2022

Prior to receiving accessibility or being considered to use the FSD beta software there is an assessment of your daily driving behavior over the course of up to 30 days and is based on 5 safety factors:

1. Forward Collision Warnings
2. Hard Braking
3. Aggressive Turning
4. Unsafe following
5. Forced Autopilot Disengagement

These people drive safer than kids on a driver’s exam for a WHILE to get access!
**Incredible way to encourage safe driving always.

Once you are granted access there’s more:

Wheel torque nag. If you don’t pay attention to the visual and auditory prompts- you could get a strike out.
Strikeouts occur for various types of driver inattention.

If you have 5 forced autopilot disengagements- you are out of FSD Beta

Also… FSD is LIMITED at 80 mph!

*Roadtrippers are asking for increased speed because some area limits could exceed 80mph. (Originally set at 75mph)

*The following distance between vehicles was originally pre-set to 3 but is now at 2 car lengths.
*If you live in a congested city- most people cut you off even if you are only 1 car length distance. 😳

For those who have concerns about FSD, hopefully this alleviated some fear. There is a great deal of focus and attentiveness expected for this privilege.

Ps- they use that safety score when you purchase Tesla Insurance 😉

Go electric ✌🏼

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