Effortless OTA Updates

In-Car Subscription OTA Updates Safety

Dana Sinno
Published on February 16, 2024

 Effortless OTA Updates

Forget MSM catastrophizing OTA Updates as MASSIVE RECALLS, realize that OTA (Over The Air) “recalls” are super convenient. Cars are truly becoming computers on wheels and can be updated just like your phone.

OTA updates are convenient, cost-effective (because manufacturers can push out updates to millions of vehicles with a single click) and they’re good for the environment, as improved efficiency and performance mean less energy wasted. (Apart from the paper wasted on mail that informs customers of a “recall” that already took place Over The Air).

These updates offer a whole new level of convenience. You don’t need to schedule appointments and take time out of your day for some issues that can now be fixed wirelessly. This keeps your car up-to-date with the latest features, safety and improvements. Besides just being able to update safety features on vehicles en masse, they also allow for other features to be unlocked, upgraded and even allow for  subscription services. 

EV manufacturers, like Tesla, Ford, GM and VW use OTA updates to enhance their cars. Here’s how OTAs can hook you up:

✅ Increased Range: Updates can optimize battery management and regenerative braking, potentially extending your driving range for those longer trips.

✅ Improved Efficiency: Refined software can lead to better energy usage, that could add more miles per charge and potentially lower operational costs.

✅ Performance Enhancements: Some updates might even unlock hidden performance reserves, for that extra power boost.

✅ Enhanced Safety Features: OTAs can update existing safety technologies like automatic emergency braking or lane departure warning, making a safer driving experience.

✅ Bug Fixes and Glitches: OTA updates can address them efficiently, so your EV runs smoothly and reliably.

✅ New Features and Functionalities: These updates can unlock exciting new features and functionalities, keeping your EV feeling fresh and innovative. Some of these can be subscription features, such as heated seats.

Let’s not confuse the idea of service center visits for these “recalls” that can be accomplished over the air. Perhaps we could call the wireless fixes-“OTA Safety Updates”? With OTA technology, your EV is constantly evolving, becoming more efficient, safer and even more fun to drive. 

Keep in mind that some older vehicles may not be able to receive certain updates if they don’t have the correct firmware/hardware. This is the present and future of vehicles, where updates happen overnight, delivered seamlessly, over the air.

What are the best OTAs updates you’ve received so far?


Go electric ✌️


*Be sure to have a safe connection and be aware that some updates can’t be completed due to older firmware/hardware. 

Car Edge put out a great article on OTA Updates as well as a list manufacturers that offer them, check out it out:

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