Electrifying America!

Charging Charging Solutions Electrify America

Dana Sinno
Published on May 24, 2022

Electrify America has doubled down on their zero-emissions mission by enabling electric mobility via solar power while adding energy to the grid.

Electrify America Solar Glow™ 1 energy will be obtained through a virtual power purchase agreement with Terra-Gen (owner, operator and developer of utility-scale renewable and clean energy assets ) to build a solar photovoltaic renewable energy generation project in San Bernardino County, CA.

Terra-Gen will generate 75 Megawatts (MW) at peak solar capacity or an estimated annual production of 225,000 Megawatt hours.

While EA already operates on 100 percent renewable energy thanks to purchases from various suppliers, they will be able to ensure they are giving back more energy to the grid than is used to charge EVs.

Timeline: Groundbreaking – Late 2022
Target Operation Date – Summer 2023

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