EV Past & Present

Early Adopters EV History Pioneers

Dana Sinno
Published on April 21, 2023

The Pioneers of Electric Vehicles faced a number of challenges that ultimately led to the decline of EVs; today Electric Vehicles are finally coming back- but faster and more badass-er! The difficulties they faced in the past sound familiar, but the tables are turning.

Past: One of the main challenges was the limited range due to the low power density of the batteries available at the time.  Electric cars just couldn’t compete with ICE (internal combustion engine) vehicles, which had longer range and could be refueled easily.
Present: We are aggressively expanding the battery power as well as working to lessen the charging time.

Past:  Another challenge was the high cost of production, which made EVs more expensive than gas-powered cars.
Present: We are currently scaling production, applying vertical integration, advancing tech, etc.

Past: There was limited infrastructure for charging electric cars, which made them less convenient to use.
Present: We are rapidly expanding charging infrastructure!!!

Past: The late 19th century discovery of oil made gas cheaper and more widely available which contributed to the decline of early EVs.
Present: Prominence of the eco-conscious / renewable energy shift is kicking in

Early Pioneers laid the foundation for future EV makers, and their innovations helped pave the road for the EVs we cruise in now. Can’t wait to see what the Future holds.

Go electric ✌️

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