EV Start-Ups vs LEGACY – Who Has The Biggest Disadvantage?

Legacy Auto Production Start Up

Dana Sinno
Published on January 12, 2023

Do EV Startups or Legacy Automakers have the largest disadvantage in regards to production and scale of Electric Vehicles?

Here are a few things to consider:

EV StartUp:

*Leadership team/ visionaries

*Raising capital / SPACS

*Building trust and relationships

*Design Core Product that consumers want 

*Partner with tech/manufacturing companies

*Factory builds

*Compete for a piece of market share from established auto companies

*Leverage assets to create additional revenue streams

*Supply chain constraints

*Avoiding Valley of Death: prototype to production


*Managing distribution

*Establish consumer purchasing/ servicing network

*Outsource Production or Vertical Integration 

*Charging infrastructure issues

Legacy Auto:

*Massive amount of $ to electrify products

*Production historically quantity (meaning many different models for all demographics $15k through $300k+) How many models will they discontinue/phase out and when?

*R & D focus shift EV

*Refit factories

*Shifting from their moneymakers 


*Sales model adjustments 

*Network infrastructure for OTA updates

*Hardware / Software / Battery / Technology 

*Supply chain constraints

*Inevitable Workforce reduction

*Loss of service revenue 

*Reliance on suppliers (not vertically integrated)

*Conflicted marketing issues: They have to be Pro-EV without being Anti-ICE because that is where $ is made

*Charging infrastructure issues

Only time will tell, but glad to see so many players in the game.  Consumers for the win!

Go electric  ✌🏼

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