Batteries Inflation Reduction Act Tax Credit

Dana Sinno
Published on August 21, 2022

The Biden Administration signed changes for new EV Tax Credits in order to encourage North American production. So, under the new Inflation Reduction Act, qualifications for this new $7,500 Clean Vehicle Credit contain very important stipulations. Coming in the next months and years expect changes such as:

* Personal Income Cap: $150,000 for a single filing taxpayer and $300,000 for those filing jointly.

* Vehicle Price: Must be under $55K for Sedan & $80K for SUV & Trucks. THIS MAJORLY EXCLUDES MANY VEHICLES!

* Final Assembly Location: Must be in North America- Effective Immediately (unless signed contract before 8/16/2022) Check the VIN (vehicle identification number) to be certain!

* Where battery material Is sourced: 40% of key minerals for battery must be sourced in US, or places where we have a free trade deal starting in 2024

* When was EV purchased: Those with contracts in place before 8/16/2022 are exempt from new rules. Some requirements are effective immediatley, others Jan 1, 2023

* Credit can be used at Point of Sale

Does it apply to a Used Vehicle?
Max credit of $4K available. This is a deviation from the former qualifications which were established in 2008/2009 to encourage the adoption of electric cars which included:

* Manufacturers previously had a cap of 200,000.00 vehicles sold (ends this year)

* Used vehicles were’t eligible

* Amount of credits depended on size of battery capacity

* Whether the vehicle was a full EV or Hybrid. Keep an eye on more specifics that will eventually be unveiled…

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