It’s Not Just Range- Consumption & Efficiency Matter Too

Battery Efficiency Range

Dana Sinno
Published on January 31, 2024

Electric Vehicle range seems to be on everybody’s mind, but almost no one talks about CONSUMPTION. A car with 300 mile range and 150 kWh battery costs double as much to operate than a car with 300 miles range and a 75 kWh battery. How much energy your EV slurps up per mile matters.

🤔Think of it like this: You wouldn’t buy a gas-guzzler just because it has a massive fuel tank, right? The same logic applies to EVs. A car with a 300-mile range might sound dreamy, but if it guzzles down a whopping 150 kWh battery to achieve that, you’ll be shelling out double compared to an energy-sipping EV with the same range but a more modest 75 kWh battery.

🔋Battery size isn’t everything. Lugging around a massive battery is like carrying a backpack full of bricks – it weighs you down and burns more energy just to move around. That translates to higher consumption and a heavier dent in your wallet.

⚡️So, what should you be looking for instead of just range? Focus on the kWh/mile. This little number is the true efficiency metric. The lower it is, the less energy your EV needs to travel a mile, the happier you will be.

Here are some ways to deal with consumption:

🧸 Go for the Goldilocks battery: Choose a battery size that’s just right for your typical travel needs. No need for a marathon runner if you’re a daily sprinter.
⚡️ Charge smart: Plug in during off-peak hours to snag lower electricity rates. Charge when you’re asleep if you can, and let your EV quietly juice up while you dream.
🧘🏻‍♀️Drive chill: Smooth acceleration and gentle braking are your friends. Not only will you feel like a zen master behind the wheel, but you’ll also maximize your range and minimize consumption.

So, the next time you’re discussing EVs, remember – range is a headline, but consumption is the story.

Go electric ✌️

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