Going Electric? Here are some things to consider about RANGE

Infrastructure Range Range Anxiety

Dana Sinno
Published on November 16, 2022

Range is the number of miles you can travel on a fully charged battery.
It’s dependent on many factors including weather, driving habits, temperature and even tires.

Be aware that the range stated by manufacturer is based on the best possible conditions and scenerios. Please also bear in mind that you only should only charge to 80% to maintain a healthier battery life**

In order to head off “range anxiety”, consider these questions when you want to Go Electric ✌🏼

How much range do you need? 
Do you have a short or long commute?
Do you enjoy roadtripping or staying close to home?
How convenient are charging locations?
Can you charge at home and have a “full Tank” the next day?
Can you charge at work?
Can you top off at local places around town?

It is estimated that Americans commute approximately 41 miles a day / 27.6 minutes each way according to www.zippia.com in August 2022. There are plenty range options that will suit your needs.

Charging capabilities are extremely important, if you have no access at home, it makes it a little more challenging but certainly do-able.

According to The Federal Highway Administration, as of 10/2022, the US has nearly 47K charging stations with 120,000 ports across the nation.

That number will increase exponentially due to the President’s $5 Billion National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) Program to build infrastructure over the next 5 years.

If you enjoy road-tripping, higher range is important, but not imperative- you can map your trip and charging along the way.
Happy Trails!

Go electric ✌🏼

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