Hardwired vs Plug-In Home Level 2 Charger: Advantages

Adapters Charging Home Charging

Dana Sinno
Published on September 8, 2023

Advantages of Hardwired Level 2 Charging Systems:

Faster: Hardwired chargers have a higher power output than plug-in chargers.

Safer: They are connected directly to your home’s electrical system, which means that there is no risk of overloading an outlet. They also have built-in safety features to protect your EV and your home from electrical issues.

 Safety features include: 

  • Ground fault protection: shuts off if there is a ground fault, which is a dangerous electrical condition that can cause an electric shock.
  • Overcurrent protection: shuts  if the current exceeds a safe level, which can prevent overloading of the electrical system.
  • Temperature protection: shuts off if temp gets too high, to prevent overheating of the charger and the electrical system.
  • Lightning protection

More durable: They are designed to withstand the elements, so you can install them outdoors without worrying about them getting damaged.

If you’re no looking to spend that much cash, there are advantages of Plug In home EV charger:

Lower Cost: Plug-In Level 2 chargers are typically less expensive.

Easy installation: They can be installed by a qualified electrician, but they don’t require any major modifications to your home’s electrical system.

Portability: They can be moved from one location to another, this is a good option if you rent or travel.


If you’re looking for the fastest charging speeds, then a hardwired charger is your best bet. 

If you’re on a budget or you need a portable charger, then the plug-in charger is for you.

Keep in mind that there could be additional costs including electrical work and adapters if necessary. 

If your home’s electrical system does not have enough capacity, you’ll need to upgrade the panel before you can install the hardwired charger. The amount of power that your home’s electrical system can handle is determined by the size of your electrical panel and the number of breakers in the panel.

You don’t always have to upgrade your electrical panel to install a hardwired charger. If your home’s electrical system has enough capacity to handle the charger’s power draw, you may not need to upgrade.

This could really add up. I like the safety features of a Hardwired, but I also love the portability of a plug-in. I have plenty of time to think about it while I save for my EV.


Go electric ✌️


📸: Chargepoint Website

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