How Extreme Hot Weather Could Affect EV Range

Range Recurrent Weather

Dana Sinno
Published on July 20, 2023

As the summer heat waves continue to break records across our planet, it’s important for EV owners to be aware of how hot weather can affect their car’s range.

In some parts of the country, temperatures have reached over 100 degrees Fahrenheit, which can lead to significant range loss for EVs.

Recurrent, a battery and range data analytics company, has a growing body of research on how hot weather affects EV range. The findings of this limited research suggests that EV range could potentially decrease by up to 31% in extreme heat. 

“Findings: On average, we found that, compared to the maximum range that our vehicles get:

  • Range loss at 80 degrees: 2.8%
  • Range loss at 90 degrees: 5%
  • Range loss at 100 degrees: 31%***

Note that the range loss at 100 degrees is based on extremely limited data, and we will update it when we have more confidence in the value”. – Recurrent


Be sure to take note of the “extremely limited data” part, it’s not definite that you could expect that, however, in this study, that’s what they found. In any event, when driving your EV in hot weather, there are a few things you can do to help preserve your range:

  • Park in the shade whenever possible
  • Use window shades
  • Cool the vehicle when plugged in
  • Drive at a steady speed
  • Keep the car’s tires properly inflated
  • Have the car’s battery inspected regularly.

By following these tips, you can help to ensure that your EV gets the best possible range, even in hot weather. Stay cool and safe on the road this summer!

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