ICEs VS EVs & Increases: Which Way Do You Lean?

Battery Buyers Car Dealers

Dana Sinno
Published on March 9, 2022

ICEs VS EVs & Increases
What will determine your purchase between the two with gas price increases vs battery material increases?

High cost increases affecting nickel, a metal that is used for batteries in EVs, will affect EV manufacturing, scaling and production. Pivoting to lithium-ion iron cathode tech is in the works at Tesla.

Unfortunately, according to published researched in the Proceedings of the Royal Society, the mining of lithium affects 2 species of Flamingos in Chile by using the groundwater that grows the aquatic food Flamingos eat.
For reference, Chile supplies 23.9% of the world’s production while Australia produces 46.3%. There are sure to be hikes to those prices as well.

Alternatively, nationwide gas prices are higher than they have been in more than 10 years. The prices at the pump are expected to worsen as U.S. is banning imports of Russia’s oil, gas and energy. Travel is also picking up since the the pandemic has subsided so more demand equals price increases.

The semi-conductor shortage has already caused price increases to both ICE and EVs with lower than expected production volume ability along with high demand.
If you were thinking of buying a new car, which option would you choose?

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