Making Progress With Solar EV Charging Solutions!

Battery Energy Solar

Dana Sinno
Published on September 5, 2022

PROGRESS SOLAR SOLUTIONS has a solution for remote EV charging with their mobile solar platforms.

This mobile solar EV charging model is compact, yet is the largest off-grid energy producing platform.
Their patented tech allows for energy harnessing and storing to charge EVs. The EV Mobile Charger uses a standard Level 2 charger.
3200 watts of solar power and options for wind generation and backup generators is harnessed and stored in the power bank.

One step further, their Progress Solar™ Power Cubes™ off-grid power stations can be interconnected, serving remote locations like at the US/Mexican border.

Power AC output of 2.2kW-4kW can be obtained from one trailer. These potent power cubes can replace a generator power source but can also accompany a fueled backup generator.

They also make solar light towers and smart solar street lights.

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