North American Charging Standard Update

Charging Infrastructure NACS

Dana Sinno
Published on June 24, 2023

The adoption of NACS (North American Charging Standard) is a positive development for the electric vehicle industry. Adopting this standard will help to promote the adoption of EVs, as it would make it easier for drivers to switch to EVs without having to worry about compatibility issues.

NACS could help to reduce the number of different charging connectors in the market, and would simplify the charging infrastructure. Tesla does not own NACS- The standard was developed by Tesla, but it is now open for use by other manufacturers. This means that any company can adopt NACS and start using it in their vehicles and charging stations.

As more companies adopt NACS, it’s likely that it will become the standard for electric vehicles in North America.

Some of the major players in the electric vehicle world have been making announcements and the list seems to grow daily! These companies have recently announced that they will be adding NACS connectors and will eventually equip NACS as their standard port in the future:

General Motors


These companies have announced that they will be adding NACS connectors to their charging stations in North America:

SK Signet
Charge Point
Electrify America
Applegreen Electric
TeraWatt Infrastructure


Waiting to see what these guys are going to do:



Not only are manufacturers and charging companies agreeing to adopt NACS, some state programs are mandating charging companies if they want to qualify for state programs, these include Washington state and Texas.

As reported by Reuters on June 23 , “Washington state plans to require electric vehicle charging companies to include Tesla’s plug if they want to be part of a state program to electrify highways using federal dollars, an official told Reuters on Thursday”.

And on June 20, Reuters shared that “Tesla (TSLA.O) scored a series of victories for its charging technology on Tuesday, capped by Texas saying it would require electric vehicle charging companies to include both Tesla’s standard as well as the nationally recognized CCS if they want to be part of a state program to electrify highways using federal dollars”.


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