Please meet Charlotte Smith of EV Thank You!

Campaign Education Zero Emissions

Dana Sinno
Published on February 22, 2022

Please meet Charlotte Smith of EV Thank You!

Over the past several years, Charlotte has been Thanking EV owners around the world for protecting Children’s Health by leaving Thank You notes on EV windshields. 

At 15, this incredible environmentalist has spoken on various stages and was recently invited to speak on Roger Atkin’s Electric & Eclectic Podcast.  (Roger is the Founder of Electric Vehicle Outlook Ltd, & Host of the Podcast show from London, England). She shared her simple, yet powerful Children’s Health awareness campaign and ways to donate to her cause. 

Charlotte has various platforms including Twitter, Instagram, FaceBook and YouTube where she shares EV information as well as EV reviews.  Charlotte has been invited to speak on stages with the biggest EV advocates in the business.  Charlotte was a guest speaker at COP26 on both the green and blue stages. (You guys- this is the United Nations Climate Change Conference!) She has been recognized by Queen Elizabeth and the Royal Family and others for her dedication to her Children’s Health campaign. Charlotte has been campaigning from the age of 11 after writing her ICE to EV science paper at the age of 10.  Charlotte’s also the Youth Ambassador for the Westminster Commission for Road Air Quality. 

Charlotte’s passionate campaign is done as an individual and at one point was anonymous.  She simply signed her name so as to appear as “any child”.  She has personally hand-delivered 4,701 Thank You cards around the world including the UK (England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland), Oslo in Norway and California (including San Francisco, Palo Alto, Hollywood and Orange County). Tesla also invited Charlotte to a personal factory tour of Fremont while she was there.  Since this is a personal endeavor, Dad pays for expenses.  They recently added go fund me, PayPal and Patreon accounts to accept donations to her Children’s Health campaign.  

Charlotte thanks everyone in zero-emissions space.  Since the age of 11, with the help of “Charlotte’s Proud Father” (Steven’s sign off during our communication), Charlotte has been able to show her gratitude for the conscious decision of EV drivers!  


Help support Charlotte’s mission and

Go electric ✌🏼

Check the recent Podcast from Electric & Eclectic (wherever you listen to your podcast)


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