Quick Take: Electric Police Cars, Then & Now

Fleets Police Cars Tesla

Dana Sinno
Published on December 31, 2023

Remember those grainy black and white movies where cops rolled around in boxy cruisers with sirens that sounded like a cat stuck in a dryer?  Well, get ready for a rewind with a twist, because the South Pasadena PD is replacing their entire gas-loving cruisers for silent, stealth Teslas. ⚡️ This initiative will save the department a cool $312,000 over 10 years due to lower fuel costs and less maintenance requirements. 

But did you know that the very first police car in the world was built in 1899 and was ELECTRIC?! The Akron Police department had a type of wagon/buggy that could go 18 mph with 30 miles of range on level ground.  This vehicle was built by Collins Buggy Company and had electric lights, gongs and a stretcher, all for $2,400.

The recent advancements in battery technology and performance have brought electric police cars back into the spotlight. Tesla’s Model Y, with its impressive range and acceleration, has become a popular choice for several police departments around the world.


Go electric ✌️

📸 Cred: Me (but not an 1899 police car)
📸 Cred Tesla: Motortrend

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