Education Real Stories Tesla

Dana Sinno
Published on January 21, 2024


“Since all the pundits of EVs feel the need to share their negative experiences of EV passenger cars, I figured sharing my dose of EV optimism couldn’t hurt.

This is a photo of my 10 year old Tesla, I’ve spent less on maintenance and fueling on this car than any other car I have ever owned (other than my second Tesla).

In addition to the financial performance this car has delivered, I also have been driving it all across the state of Tennessee in one of the coldest winter storms in years. Through a combination of workplace level 2 charging and the periodic supercharge I have been able to get everywhere I need to go in sub zero temperatures.

I’ve driven hundreds of thousands of miles in EVs and see no need to return to ICE vehicles. One might argue that I’m biased, but I would push back saying I had a bias for diesel vehicles that started in childhood. My first car was a diesel, I ran a fleet of diesels, and I grew up in a family business that ran hundreds of diesels. If I can be convinced that electric vehicles are a superior driving and ownership experience, I think anybody can… “

-Dakota Semler on LinkedIn
CEO, Co-Founder at Xos Trucks

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