Real Stories Tesla Weather

Dana Sinno
Published on February 3, 2024

This week we got 14+ inches of snow before the temperature plummeted. My Tesla Model X handles the snow amazingly and is preheated each day when I commute home from work. Yes. You can own a Tesla where it snows and there is cold weather

Does range suffer? Yes. My car was rated at 351 miles when I got it (it has declined a little since 2020) and I get any 180 miles of range in these really cold days. Does it matter? No. I don’t nearly commute that much. I never think about range no matter how many errands I run. So the lack of range costs me a little more money but it’s still way cheaper than gas.

I’ve owned Teslas since 2018 and traveled a lot. We use to take Christmas trip from Ohio to Duluth Minnesota in the Model X. No problems. (Yes we would even charge near Chicago). This cold weather attack on EVs is complete nonsense.
Do I use FSD? Not often. The roads are too icy and poorly plowed”.
-Earl of Frunkpuppy

You heard it from a dude in Alaska.

Go electric ✌🏼

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