Should You Use Your EV As A Rental? ALSO- Would You Buy An EV Previously Used As A Rental?

Car Rental Insurance Peer-To-Peer

Dana Sinno
Published on July 10, 2023

Should I use my personal EV as a rental service?

EVs are becoming more and more popular, and there is a growing demand for them to be rented. If you own an EV, you may be wondering if you should rent it out to make some extra money. There are pros and cons to consider, so let’s take a look at them.

Pros of renting out your EV:

  • You can earn extra money. This is probably the biggest perk of renting out your EV. You can set your own rates and choose when you want to rent your car out.
  • You can help reduce emissions. By encouraging people to drive electric cars, you can help reduce air pollution.
  • You can help educate and spread awareness about EVs.
  • You can meet new people. Renting out your car can give you the opportunity to meet new people who are interested in electric vehicles.

Cons of renting out your EV:

  • You may have to deal with wear and tear. Your car will be used by other people, so it’s likely to experience some wear and tear. You may have to pay for repairs or maintenance.
  • Your car may be damaged. There is always the risk that your car will be damaged while it’s being rented. You may have to pay for the repairs.
  • You may have to deal with late or no-shows. This can be frustrating and time-consuming.
  • You may have to pay taxes on the income you earn. This will depend on your individual tax situation.

Here are some additional things to consider when making your decision:

  • The type of EV you have. Some EVs are more popular than others, so you’ll have more renters if you have a popular make.
  • The condition of your EV. If your EV is in good condition, it is more likely to be rented out and to be in demand.
  • The location where you live. If you live in a city, there is more demand for EVs than if you live in a rural area.


What about buying an EV previously used as a rental?

Here are some of the pros and cons of buying a Used EV that was rented out:


  • You may be able to get a good deal on a used EV.
  • The car may have been well-maintained.
  • The car may have been upgraded with features that you want.


  • The car may have been in accidents.
  • The car may have been damaged by renters.
  • The car may have been driven hard.


If you’re considering renting out your EV or buying a used EV that was rented out, I recommend doing some research and reading reviews from other people who have done it. This will help you make an informed decision about whether or not it’s right for you.

Companies to check out:

  • Turo:
  • Getaround:
  • HyreCar:


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