The Future of EV Sales: Dealer Franchises vs Online Only
The Future of EV Sales: Dealer Franchises vs Online Only

Car Sales Franchise Dealers Online Sales

Posted on July 10, 2023 by Dana Sinno

The landscape for electric vehicle (EV) sales is changing rapidly. In the past, new vehicles were traditionally sold through dealer franchises. However, as more and more automakers enter the EV market, they are starting to sell their vehicles directly to consumers. This is a direct challenge to the dealer franchise model, which has been in...

EV purchases Online Only or Dealer Franchises?
EV purchases Online Only or Dealer Franchises?

Car Dealers Franchise Dealers Online Sales

Posted on January 22, 2020 by Dana Sinno

Tesla is hoping to sell their new EVs direct in Texas but there is something called Dealer Franchise Laws that are in the way. Historically, dealers have been protected by state laws that generally don’t allow manufacturers to sell direct.  Texas is one of several states that  requires automakers to use third party dealerships. Electric...

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