‘Lil Electric Cheat Sheet
‘Lil Electric Cheat Sheet

DC Charging Education kWh

Posted on February 8, 2024 by Dana Sinno

AC: Alternating Current. It is the type of electricity that flows in both directions at regular intervals. For EV drivers, AC chargers are typically slower than DC chargers, AC current is the kind of power that comes from the power plant to homes and businesses. DC: Direct Current. It is the type of electricity that...

Cheat Sheet On Electricity
Cheat Sheet On Electricity

Charging kW kWh

Posted on June 30, 2023 by Dana Sinno

AC (Alternating Current): Electricity that changes direction. DC (Direct Current): Electricity flows 1 direction kW (Kilowatts): Power kWh (kilowatt-hours): Energy used AMP (Ampere): Speed VOLT (Voltage) Pressure AC: Alternating Current. It is the type of electricity that flows in both directions at regular intervals. For EV drivers, AC chargers are typically slower than DC chargers. ,...

Battery Storage, Energy & Rate of Charge?
Battery Storage, Energy & Rate of Charge?

Charging kW kWh

Posted on April 28, 2023 by Dana Sinno

How do I know how much energy my EV battery can store and what is my max rate of charge?  Starting with kWh & kW… kWh (kilowatt-hour) is a unit of energy that measures how much energy your electric vehicle’s battery can store. The higher the number of kWh, the more energy your battery can...

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