Are Public Level 2 Chargers Even Worth Installing? 
Are Public Level 2 Chargers Even Worth Installing? 

Blink Charging Charging Level 2

Posted on February 6, 2024 by Dana Sinno

Are Public Level 2 Chargers Even Worth Installing?  YUP! Public Level 2 charging stations are still definitely an important part of the EV charging infrastructure. Consider this: ✅ Level 2 is a convenient middle ground between slow Level 1 and super-fast DC fast charging. It can add about 25 miles of range per hour, which...

Should I Install A Level 2 Charging System At Home For My EV?
Should I Install A Level 2 Charging System At Home For My EV?

Home Charging Incentives Level 2

Posted on May 15, 2023 by Dana Sinno

Benefits of a Level 2, 240-volt home charging system: Faster charging times: Level 2 chargers provide a much faster charge than standard 120-volt outlets.  Convenience: Level 2 chargers can be installed in your garage or driveway, making it easy to charge your EV at home.  Cost savings: Level 2 chargers can save you money on your energy bills...

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