What’s the difference? ELECTRIC VS “HYBRIDS” 🤔
What’s the difference? ELECTRIC VS “HYBRIDS” 🤔

Hybrid MPGe NACS

Posted on January 20, 2024 by Dana Sinno

🔌🔋 Electric vehicles (EV) or Battery Electric Vehicles (BEV) are FULL electric vehicles that use zero gas and have zero emissions. 🔌⛽️ Electrified vehicles include: ✅ Hybrids: Hybrid cars uses two types of power. A combo of gas and electric. Depending on the configuration, you may use more gas than electric, or vice versa. You...


Efficiency Energy MPGe

Posted on December 12, 2022 by Dana Sinno

What does MPGe Represent In An EV?   MPGe is simply an abbreviation for “miles per gallon of gasoline-equivalent.”  This metric gauges EV energy  efficiency. MPG is how many miles an ICE vehicle can travel per gallon of gasoline. The EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) established that 33.7 kWh releases the same amount of energy as...

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