Semi-Conductor Shortage Still Ongoing
Semi-Conductor Shortage Still Ongoing

Production Semiconductor Semiconductor Chips

Posted on June 18, 2023 by Dana Sinno

The global semi-conductor shortage began in 2020 and has continued into 2023.  Semi-conductors, also known as chips, are essential components in consumer electronics like smartphones and computers. They are also used in cars for a variety of functions, from entertainment systems to power steering. On average, EVs require about 1300 chips, while ICEs typically are...

Cargo Ship Car Fire 
Cargo Ship Car Fire 

Cargo Semiconductor Shipping

Posted on February 18, 2022 by Dana Sinno

As if the semi-conductor shortage isn’t crippling enough, now a cargo ship carrying approximately 4,000 vehicles is floating in the Atlantic – on fire.  Onboard are reported to be Audis, Porsches, Lamborghinis, VWs and Bentleys.  There are EVs said to be in the mix as well.    No word on what sparked the flames.  Many...

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