What’s The Difference? EV/PHEV/FCEV…


Dana Sinno
Published on June 30, 2023

Electric Vehicle: EV 🔋🔌

Plugged in and battery fueled solely by electricity. Uses regenerative braking that captures energy.

 Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle: FCEV ⛽💧

Have batteries that store hydrogen and oxygen. Chemical reactions between them create water and energy. The water escapes through an exhaust pipe. FCEVs also use regenerative braking. (They can charge almost as fast as gas.)

Hybrid Electric Vehicle: HEV ⛽⚡

Charged by an internal combustion engine (ICE) and an electric motor that uses energy stored in batteries. An HEV doesn’t get plugged in; it gets charged through regenerative braking and gasoline.

Plug-In Hybrid Vehicle: PHEV ⛽🔋

Use batteries to power the electric motor and gas to power an internal combustion engine (ICE). PHEV batteries can be charged using an outlet or charging equipment, by the ICE, or through regenerative braking. The vehicle runs on electric until the battery runs out, and then it switches to the ICE for power. ⚡

Go electric ✌️


Photo cred: afdc.energy.gov



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