What Is V2H?

Generator Infrastructure V2H

Dana Sinno
Published on April 20, 2022

Did you know that some EVs could potentially act as a home generator?

A really cool feature of EVs is their potential to act as a power source for your home.
It’s called V2H (Vehicle to House)

Some EVs are not yet set up for bi-directional charging, but the V2H concept is gaining traction. At the lower end of power output like the Ford F-150 Lightning’s max 2.4 kw – you could still run a typical household for a few days.

Besides the Lightning, EVs including Nissan Leaf, Mitsubishi Outlander, Hyundai Ionic 5 are laying the tracks for bi-directional deployment.

There will be a pilot program in California for using Chevy Silverado E for powering homes.

Vehicle to House (V2H) , Vehicle To Grid (V2G) , Vehicle To Vehicle (V2V) & Vehicle To Everything (V2X) is happening. It’s going to be the new norm.


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