What’s the difference? ELECTRIC VS “HYBRIDS” 🤔

Hybrid MPGe NACS

Dana Sinno
Published on January 20, 2024

🔌🔋 Electric vehicles (EV) or Battery Electric Vehicles (BEV) are FULL electric vehicles that use zero gas and have zero emissions.

🔌⛽️ Electrified vehicles include:

✅ Hybrids: Hybrid cars uses two types of power. A combo of gas and electric. Depending on the configuration, you may use more gas than electric, or vice versa. You may need to plug your car in, or you may not…

Types of Hybrids include:

✅ PHEV: Plug in Hybrid: These use a combo of gas and electric batteries. Can rely solely on electric motors for a dozen or so miles. This vehicle gets plugged in!

✅ Standard Hybrid: Doesn’t include electric battery pack. Cannot run on the electric motor alone. Doesn’t get plugged in and is generally used for extended range.

✅ Range-Extended EV: Has electric power and a small gas tank . The gas tank is a secondary power generator. The gas power kicks in when the battery is low. (This type is the closest to a BEV and may alleviate some range anxiety.

*Hybrids also use regenerative braking to capture energy.

…Just in case you were wondering 😉

Go electric ✌🏼

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