Why Don’t Concept Cars Ever Look Like The Actual Production Car?

Concept Cars Design Production

Dana Sinno
Published on June 30, 2021

I have often wondered about this and somehow likened it to fashion shows where the clothes never make it to production. Funny enough, I looked up info on how it’s a similar “concept” with fashion and one piece I found explains the concept of fashion and concept cars in the same article! Obviously I am not the only person wondering:


Here’s what I gathered about Concept Cars that also apply to fashion:

*creates hype

*the coolest/ most outlandish get the most attention therefore get relatively inexpensive ads

*showcases fabrics and materials

*shows color schemes

*shows new features

*showcases artistic talent and vision

*inspires aspects of actual production


These items are never meant for production, but toned-downed versions eventually get released. I still don’t understand…why not just MAKE that concept car?

I get excited when I see a Concept Car but am sometimes disappointed when I see the actual production vehicle. How about you?


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