Wireless Road Charging in Sweden

Electreon Inductive Charging Wireless Charging

Dana Sinno
Published on July 17, 2021

In January, Electreon, an Israeli company, made headlines for testing out a wireless charging road system in Sweden.

Copper coils are placed under the asphalt for charging vehicles.

Recently, Electreon and a group of 13 companies collaborated on a project for contactless charging by using the conductive power transfer (both static and dynamic)system to juice your battery in Italy.  This project is called Arena del Futuro, or Arena of the Future.  It will feature a dedicated 1050 meter closed ring.  They plan to be busy in the next few months working on and studying the application. 

Is this a win for EV adoption? 

They are not the only ones!  In Indiana, they are working working to enable wireless charging of your EVs as they drive over the road using magnetized concrete!  The tech is designed by German startup Magment GmbH. Exciting times indeed! 


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